ISSN : 1226-4822(Print)
ISSN : (Online)
The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea Vol.21 No.1 pp.49-73
한국어 교재 ‘본문’의 담화적 요소 분석*
논문 접수일: 2013. 2. 15.논문 심사일: 2013. 3. 1.~3. 25.게재 확정일: 2013.?3. 31.
This paper analyzes the elements and properties of the discourse in the main text of Korean textbooks. The main text conveys ‘discourse knowledge’ that constitutes the communicative competence of Korean language on the basis of the fundamental properties of discourse rather than on unnatural sentences and conversations constructed only to present vocabulary and grammar. It consists of ‘discourse type’, ‘background knowledge’, ‘language use’, and ‘conversation organization’. As a result of this research, we found that the main text contains the following properties of discourse. First, the main text whose discourse type students frequently encounter is selected and language befitting that type is used. Second, the background knowledge of the discourse is presented. Third, the conversation of the main text is organized with the turn-taking system. The characteristics as a textbook are also taken into account in the main texts that we reviewed. These comprise dealing with limited discourse patterns, regulating language use, and the regular and restricted turn-taking system. The above analysis shows that the main text is constructed utilizing both aspects of education and discourse. The findings of this study will be helpful for textbook users in developing instruction and studying strategies and for textbook developers in constructing main texts.