Subscription Inquiry HOME About SSK Subscription Inquiry
Authors who are unable to use online submission have to contact the Editors: email to editor Jang In-Chull ( for the March and June issues; for the September and December issues, to editor Baek Seung-joo ( Submission due dates and publication dates are as follows:
Submission Due Dates | Publication Dates | |
March Issue | 31st January | 31st March |
June Issue | 30th April | 30th June |
September Issue | 31st July | 30th September |
December Issue | 31st October | 31th December |
Fees for Annual Membership, Review and Publication
The contributors to the journal should be members of the Society (SSK) and pay the annual membership fee and reviewing fee. Non-SSK members should register for membership before they submit their manuscripts except the foreigners affiliated in foreign academic institutions. For the membership application and other information, please contact the Secretary General (email:; phone: +82-10-4513-5639) or visit,
Annual Membership fees
Domestic | Overseas | |
Institutions/libraries | KRW 100,000 | USD 100 (bank commission included) |
Individuals | KRW 30,000 | USD 30 (bank commission included) |
(Initiation fee for both types of membership is KRW 20,000/USD 20 (bank commission included))
Reviewing Fee
Domestic | KRW 60,000 | Overseas | USD 55 (bank commission included) |
※ SSK's Account: Kookmin Bank(KB): 732402-00-130006 Please report to the Treasurer after paying membership fee and/or reviewing fee: Yoon Jiwon (the Treasure), (e-mail:; phone: +82-10-3468-2345) |
After the manuscript is accepted for publication, a publication fee should be remitted to SSK's account, which is also to be reported to the Treasurer. Expense for publication is KRW 150,000/USD 140 (bank commission included). In case of funded research, the fee is KRW 300,000/USD 280 (bank commission included). There is also an additional charge when the final paper exceeds 25 pages, which is KRW 10,000 (USD 10) per exceeding page.
Journal Abbreviation : j. Korea Saf. Manag. Sci.
Frequency : Published three times annually in April, August and December, including an international issue
Doi Prefix : 10.14353/sjk.
Year of Launching : 2013
Publisher :
The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea
Indexed/Tracked/Covered By : -
Online Submission
The Sociolinguistic
Society of Korea -
Editorial Office
Contact Information- Tel: +82-10-4513-5639
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