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ISSN : 1226-4822(Print)
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The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea Vol.21 No.3 pp.83-111

울릉도 어촌지역의 오징어의 명칭과 의미 분화 연구*

김 지 숙**

Study on the Semantic Divergence and Lexical Items of Ojingeo(Squid) in Fishing Village of Ulleungdo.

Ji-suk Kim


This study is to inquire into the Ullenungdo's own linguisticnuniqueness by way of the lexical items of Ojingeo whose old forms remain anlot for the fishermen who reside in Ullenungdo. And also, this study is toninvestigate the classification mechanism of Ojingeo-related lexicons, the degreenof the lexical productivity, and then the ethnographic quality of the lexical itemsnof Ojingeo.nFirstly, the superordinates referring to Ojingeo in Ullenungdo are ‘Ikka,nSurume, Ojingeo, Pidungeokkolttugi, Jogi’. Just like this, the five names of thenmain categories are large in number in this area, which means that the ecologicalndistribution of Ojingeo is large and the cultural, social importance of fishes innthe relevant area is great. In view of the fishermen's knowledge and the lexicalnproductivity, it is found out that ‘Ikka’ and ‘Ojingeo’ are the word referringnto the whole of Ojingeo and ‘Surume, Pidungeokkolttugi, Jogi’ are the wordnreferring to the individual of Ojingeo.nSecondly, the lexical items of Ojingeo were diversified into ‘Najojingeo,nDongsamojingeot, Taengchi, Jungchit, Tasaijji, Yoijjit, Tseonmangojingeot,nTaljogi, Sutjogi’ by ‘size adult and young fishes, fishing period, fishing tool, color,nmale and female based on the subordinates ‘Ikka’ and ‘Ojingeo’. Fishermenngroup's own classification method, that is, private classification method isnappeared productively in relation to the edible value, the work efficiency ofnfishermen, and the economic feasibility. It means that Ojingeo, the important ground of fishing activity, constructs the world of fishermen's experience, andnis recognized, used as a genuine cultural mode.nThirdly, the catching period and season of Ojingeo much influenced thenamount of catches, which influenced the fishing operations such as ‘Dongsamjigi,nChodeungbari’ and ‘Haechigi, Natchigi, Dalchigi, Saetbyeolchigi’. It is alsonrelated with the ethnographic quality and leads to the creation and use ofnidiomatic expressions such as ‘To eat the red-bean gruel on the winter solsticenmeans the sixty age(the last catch) of Ojingeo, The winter solstice is the sixtynage of Ojingeo, Dojikgi, The first catch of Ojingeo can not be kept long.’ (332nwords)



  1. Journal Abbreviation : j. Korea Saf. Manag. Sci.
    Frequency : Published three times annually in April, August and December, including an international issue
    Doi Prefix : 10.14353/sjk.
    Year of Launching : 2013
    Publisher :
    The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea
    Indexed/Tracked/Covered By :

  2. Online Submission

  3. The Sociolinguistic
    Society of Korea

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