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ISSN : 1226-4822(Print)
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The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea Vol.24 No.3 pp.223-247

I mean as a Marker of ‘Interpersonal Repair’ in Crisis Negotiations

Kyung-Hee Suh
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


This study investigates the discourse marker I mean in two transcripts of the 1993 Waco siege negotiations, paying special attention to its discursive use as a marker of ‘interpersonal repair’. Both quantitative and qualitative studies are carried out with a view to presenting its uses by two types of participants – the FBI and the Person of Interest (POI) - and the goals of a given negotiation. Where the FBI debate Judy’s release, I mean is frequently used by the FBI to stress the utmost urgency of having to treat Judy’s wounds; in the other set of data, however, it is used by the POI to bolster his position while blaming the other party, in the context of a more confrontational conversation between the POI and FBI. The finding suggests that I mean in crisis negotiations can be used to indicate that an upcoming adjustment is made in a more strengthening way, providing a noticeable contrast to previous findings where I mean serves as a mitigator, presaging a less-face threatening rephrasing of interpersonal repair. The finding further suggests that I mean’s basic meaning is particularized by both the goals of the talk it occurs and the specific negotiation situation.






  1. Journal Abbreviation : j. Korea Saf. Manag. Sci.
    Frequency : Published three times annually in April, August and December, including an international issue
    Doi Prefix : 10.14353/sjk.
    Year of Launching : 2013
    Publisher :
    The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea
    Indexed/Tracked/Covered By :

  2. Online Submission

  3. The Sociolinguistic
    Society of Korea

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