The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea :: Vol.21 No.1 pp.241-270
Open abstract
방송 언어의 비표준어 사용 실태 조사를 통한정책적 제안-주말 드라마 분석을 중심으로-
The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea :: Vol.21 No.1 pp.271-299
Open abstract
Journal Abbreviation : j. Korea Saf. Manag. Sci.
Frequency : Published three times annually in April, August and December, including an international issue
Doi Prefix : 10.14353/sjk.
Year of Launching : 2013
Publisher :
The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea
Indexed/Tracked/Covered By : -
Online Submission
The Sociolinguistic
Society of Korea -
Editorial Office
Contact Information- Tel: +82-10-4513-5639
- E-mail: mibong78@hanmail.net -