Instructions for Authors HOME For Authors and Reviewers Instructions for Authors
We invite original works on all branches of sociolinguistics, from language variation and change, ethnography of communication, sociology of language, discourse analysis,
conversation analysis, dialectology, genderlects, media linguistics, to language learning and education pertaining to socio-psychological or sociolinguistic implication. The
manuscript may be a critique of theories, empirical/experimental analysis, or a new proposal.
The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea publishes two types of contributions:
(1) full-length articles on all subject areas of sociolinguistics,
(2) reviews of the recently published books (not more than 3 years o ld).

Journal Abbreviation : j. Korea Saf. Manag. Sci.
Frequency : Published three times annually in April, August and December, including an international issue
Doi Prefix : 10.14353/sjk.
Year of Launching : 2013
Publisher :
The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea
Indexed/Tracked/Covered By : -
Online Submission
The Sociolinguistic
Society of Korea -
Editorial Office
Contact Information- Tel: +82-10-4513-5639
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